In Good Health

The Colorado Health Foundation’s blog is designed to share perspectives, personal stories and what we are learning in our efforts to ensure that, across Colorado, each of us can say: “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

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Between one and two percent of Coloradans identify as Native American, American Indian or Indigenous. It’s a population often forgotten in research and omitted from data that claims to accurately describe the experiences, perspectives and priorities of the people living in our state.

Because of the small size of the population, and a long history of violations of trust, conducting...

Pulse Poll

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) make up around 4% of the folks who call Colorado home, and its a growing population. Our commitment to listening through Pulse: The Colorado Health Foundation Poll includes seeking out the priorities, concerns and hopes of our growing and diverse AAPI population.

The term “AAPI” is a broad one, encompassing people who identify as...

Pulse Poll

In the final stretch before Election Day, I shared some thoughts on how health-related issues may be impacting the mood of voters in Colorado and across the nation. In my interview with Bazi Kanani, learn more about how results from our recent poll could play out in the election and upcoming legislative session.

The Colorado Health Foundation believes in listening first, and...

Pulse Poll

A lot has—and hasn’t—changed since we first surveyed Hispanic and Latinx Coloradans for Pulse: The Colorado Health Foundation Poll in 2020. We're still facing the coronavirus pandemic—and are seeing the impacts ripple through our daily lives. Coloradans are less worried about the economy as a whole—but they’re concerned about how they can afford necessities. We're still having complex conversations about...

Pulse Poll
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